In the fast-paced world of research and innovation, the quest for miniaturization and efficiency continues to drive groundbreaking advancements. At the recent PRIME Event in Vienna, Anja Haase from JOANNEUM RESEARCH in Austria unveiled an exciting project funded by the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation program. The project centers around the development of Lab-on-a-Foil Systems, a miniaturized revolution that condenses the capabilities of a conventional laboratory onto a few square centimeters of foil substrate.
Lab-on-Foil System: The Lab-on-Foil System represents a remarkable innovation. Within its tiny footprint, it houses various functional elements such as reaction chambers, pumps, sensor elements, and waste reservoirs. These microfluidic chips are designed for tasks like mixing, tempering, amplification (PCR), and detection, offering an unprecedented level of miniaturization in the world of laboratory systems.
High-Throughput Production: One of the key highlights of this project is its high-throughput production capabilities. Lab-on-Foils are manufactured using high volume and parallel processing techniques. This seamless handling ensures efficiency in replicating these micro- and nano-patterned surfaces, which enhance optical, sensory, and capillary functionalities.
Micro- / Nano-Imprint Lithography (NIL): The technology behind this innovation involves Micro- and Nano-Imprint Lithography (NIL), a straightforward method for replicating micro- and nanostructures. With the ability to cure using UV light or temperature, it offers flexibility in geometries, sizes, and forms. The lateral resolution is independent of optical wavelength, making it versatile for various applications.
Demonstration on IVD: The practical application of Lab-on-Foil Systems is demonstrated through an In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) chip. This capillary force-driven chip enables quantitative COVID-19 antibody testing with rapid chemiluminescence detection, showcasing its potential in real-world scenarios.
Performance and Stability: Performance tests reveal that these UV-NIL chips perform exceptionally well, offering a stable platform for a range of applications. Their robustness and reliability make them a valuable asset in high-throughput fabrication.
Lab-on-a-Foil Systems hold immense potential for In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) and various other applications, including optical elements, bionic surfaces, decorative foils, and organic electronics. The Microfluidics Innovation Hub (MIH) is at the forefront of this development, offering a single entry point for research and development services, comprehensive service portfolios, fast prototyping, and multiple funding opportunities.
Don't miss out on this innovative journey, and we look forward to witnessing the impact of Lab-on-Foil Systems in revolutionizing the future of laboratories. #rollt-to-roll #lithography