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Demo Case
Scalable Molecular Diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 with Advanced Microfluidic Chips

Advancing Molecular Diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2: Scalable Sensor Chip Production

The ongoing need for efficient and reliable diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens has spurred the development of innovative solutions in the field of molecular diagnostics. The Microfluidics Innovation Hub (MIH) is leading a project to produce scalable, high-volume sensor chips for detecting SARS-CoV-2, encompassing both antibody and viral genetic material testing. This initiative leverages advanced roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing processes to enhance the availability and efficiency of in-vitro diagnostics (IVD).

The core of this project is a versatile platform that uses a polymer foil-based microfluidic chip equipped with a reaction chamber and capillary pump. This technology facilitates rapid and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 and can be adapted for broader medical diagnostics applications.

Key Components and Features:

  • Polymer Foil Microfluidic Chip: A disposable chip featuring a reaction chamber and integrated capillary pump for fluid movement.

  • Roll-to-Roll (R2R) Manufacturing: Enables high-volume production with processes like UV nanoimprint lithography, biomolecule printing, and lamination.

  • Multiplexed Detection: Capable of simultaneously detecting multiple biomarkers, including both viral RNA and antibodies.

  • Compliance with IVD Regulations: Designed to meet ISO 13485 and European Medical Device Regulations (MDR).

This project aims to revolutionize molecular diagnostics by providing a scalable solution for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens. The development and implementation of foil-based microfluidic chips offer several significant benefits:

  1. High-Volume Production: Transition from traditional injection molding to scalable R2R manufacturing processes for cost-effective production.

  2. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the manufacturing process and final products comply with stringent IVD standards and regulations.

  3. Multiplexed Detection: Develop assays capable of detecting multiple biomarkers from a single sample, enhancing diagnostic capabilities.

Expected Impact:

  • Rapid Diagnostics: Enable quick and reliable testing for SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens, critical for controlling pandemics.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Reduce the cost of diagnostics through scalable manufacturing, making advanced testing more accessible.

  • Enhanced Readiness: Provide a robust platform that can be quickly adapted to new diagnostic needs as they arise.

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Stay informed about our ongoing developments in molecular diagnostics. Explore how our innovative sensor chip technology is set to enhance public health responses and improve global diagnostic capabilities.

Image of DNA and Virus to showcase Scalable Molecular Diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 with Advanced Microfluidic Chips.

Develop a Scalable Microfluidic Chip: Create a high-volume production process for polymer foil-based microfluidic chips using R2R techniques.
Multiplex Assay Integration: Implement assays that detect both viral RNA and antibodies for comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 testing.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure all processes and products meet ISO 13485 and MDR requirements.


R2R Manufacturing: Employ UV nanoimprint lithography and extrusion coating to produce microfluidic chips at scale.
Assay Development: Use multiplexed local immobilization of biomarkers and chemiluminescent detection to achieve high sensitivity and specificity.
Full Value Chain Implementation: Integrate all manufacturing steps, including biomolecule printing and lamination, into a streamlined, regulatory-compliant process.


High Sensitivity and Specificity: The platform must reliably detect low concentrations of viral RNA and antibodies.
Rapid Turnaround: Provide diagnostic results within 15 minutes to facilitate timely clinical decisions.
Scalable Production: Utilize R2R manufacturing to produce large quantities of microfluidic chips efficiently.
Regulatory Adherence: Comply with ISO 13485 and MDR to ensure safety and efficacy.

Collaboration and Expertise

The project harnesses the expertise of multiple MIH partners to achieve scalable production and high-performance diagnostics:

  • GENSPEED Biotech GmbH: Specializes in developing multiplex assays for integrating into the microfluidic chip for point-of-care testing.

  • JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH: Provides expertise in R2R UV nanoimprint lithography for creating high-fidelity microfluidic structures.

  • Inmold A/S: Focuses on R2R extrusion coating and structuring, ensuring cost-effective and scalable production of microfluidic chips.

  • Scienion AG: Implements precision microspotting technology to functionalize the sensor surfaces with specific biomolecules.

Partners Involved

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Download our detailed report to explore how we are transforming molecular diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens through innovative, high-volume microfluidic solutions.

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